
Showing posts from September, 2014

Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong - Lifelong Regrets

For those who are considering a surgical body modification, there are some serious sides to consider besides the uncertain hopes that everything will look as good as hoped for on the pre-op side of the operation door, and that is to give some realistic thought to the lifelong results when plastic surgery has gone wrong. It has become a popular and accepted procedure in our culture, but many times it does not produce the expected results and those can be lifelong or even fatal right at the operating table. Here’s a look at some of the different facets of the darker side of plastic surgery gone wrong. Misshapen surgical results What’s worse than not liking what you looked like before you went under the knife is being horrified at what you look like after you’ve had your surgery. Botched plastic surgery is hard to deal with, especially because the patient has two choices; live with the new deformity or go back under the knife a second or third time, or more than that, and each time ta...