
Showing posts from 2015

As a favor to debts, Octomom agreed with Controversial Job

Her name is Nadya Suleman but she is more popular with nickname Octomom after her birth in 2009 with eight twin babys, after that time,  her famous nickname is Octomom, so all her children become fourteen. Becoming single parent make her name to be hit in the world because she can give them a good living. And now Nadya Octomom has gotten the big problem of her finance. She has debt amount of 600.000 GBP.  To pay all debt in order she hasn’t been expelled from her house.  She makes a decision to sell her nude body and becoming porno star movie. She says “I just want to keep all of my children and this job will share me much money quickly, we don’t want to be tramp without a good house for my children,” Her face often looks on TV and mass media, and she has gotten highly payment for that job. But unluckily that good living only just for a moment, and then again she has debt problem with the bank. As for paying her debt, Nadya Octomom has received all bidder as porn mo...

Marlo Thomas Plastic Surgery Before & After

Marlo Thomas Plastic Surgery Before & After If there is a Hollywood A-lister who has lived a life of plastic surgery, it is Marlo Thomas. Born in 1937, her first cosmetic surgery procedure happened before she starred in her first major role on the sitcom That Girl. This was way back in the ‘60’s. Now 77 years old, she has worked mainly as a producer, a social activist, a charity promoter and an actress. Although she has never gone public about having plastic surgery , Marlo Thomas plastic surgery talk is quite common. Her first procedure was a nose job; her original nose wasn’t bad at all but she must have wanted it to look different because she had it fixed very early in her career. The new one wasn’t bad either. The problem is with the rest of the procedures that she has had done. They include boob jobs , Botox, face lifts , brow lifts and more. They have made her look unnatural and disfigured. Has she failed to understand that the more plastic surgeries one has the worse t...

Marie Osmond Plastic Surgery Rumors

Marie Osmond Plastic Surgery She is now in her fifties, but she looks nothing like it. Marie Osmond has maintained her attractive and glamorous look in an industry where looks are everything. The secret: plastic surgery . Marie Osmond plastic surgery rumors have been circulating the Internet for a long time. Looking at a photo of her in 2009 and another taken in 2006, the difference is clearly visible. She looks much younger in 2009. Some of the procedures she is believed to have undergone include: Botox Treatment The way her forehead looks is quite telling that Marie must have also done a few Botox treatments. She has her forehead skin intact with a glow that that you will easily notice. If you did not know how old she is, you would be forgiven if your guess was two decades less the actual number. Many women in Hollywood have been known to fight ageing through Botox injections. The rumor that Marie has done so too is therefore easily believable. Who stays that youthful and c...